This drawing is based on my late grandfather who sadly passed away many years before I was even born. My dad always talks about him, and I realized that in our home, we didn’t have a single framed picture of him. That caused a certain type of anguish to invoke in me. So I decided to draw a picture of my grandfather that my dad cherished. I practiced before starting by drawing a couple of practice portraits. When I started to draw him, I was seeing many areas of similarity in my dad’s facial features and his. I also felt happier and insightful while drawing my grandfather. I wondered what he would be like if he were here with me and my family now. This picture of him was of when he was young, maybe in his late teens or early 20s. He looked very smart and practical. Some difficulties I faced were drawing his almost symmetrical features, and perfect jawline. By the time I finished the drawing, the actual picture looked close to identical to my drawing. Now it's time for you, viewers, to take a look and let me know using the poll I created just for you!
How similar?